Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The story of Aunt E and the Villain

Aunt E is Lolo's sister.  Now Aunt E is famous throughout the land for her cinnamon rolls.  Her mother taught her to make them and she taught a certain werewolf.  Now Aunt E has been fighting a terrible villain for awhile now. This villain is so horrible that he can not be named (sound familiar?).  Lolo and Aunt E have had many adventures over the years.  And from time to time we may talk about some of these as well just because we can.  Let me give all of you readers a tip.  Never ever play cards with them  They cheat!!

So Dodo has never met Aunt E.  But she has heard about her cinnamon rolls.  I am not sure if she has ever tasted them.  I know the werewolves have!  They are very popular among werewolves.

Dodo keeps talking about cinnamon rolls.  I think she is a tad bit obsessed.  What Dodo fails to realize is that even though Aunt E shared the recipe and taught her nieceling how to make them she left a few things out of the recipe.  Another thing you need to know about Aunt E is she is a tricky one.  She will share recipes but don't expect that she ever really followed the recipe.  She changed them and forgets to tell you.  I think she did it on purpose.  Now this recipe takes about 4 hours or so to make start to finish.  Not a fast process by any means but yummy.  This is not one of those pop open the carton and bake kinda things..  It takes work!

Ok so back to Aunt E and the Villain,  This Villain has been chasing Aunt E for a few years now.  It finally closed in on her.  This was a dark and particularly nasty villain.  One that all the white knights were unable to keep away.  A moat and fire breathing dragon did not even work.  This nasty Villain was determined to make Aunt E his.  She fought a valiant fight.  I will not say she lost the battle but rather she is now starting a new adventure all her own.  We will miss Aunt E but will remember her fondly every time we have cinnamon rolls.  And Dodo I promise we will have cinnamon rolls soon!

~signed a very sad werewolf~

Monday, September 19, 2011

Introducing Lolo

Hello everyone!  We need to introduce Lolo to our little family of players.  Dodo met Lolo because Lolo is one of the Werewolves mothers.  dodo loves Lolo.  They can cause much trouble.  Dodo and Lolo have fun and the Werewolves roll there eyes.  Happens with mothers and daughters all the time.  This story will be about a trip to a foreign land to visit a pirate!

A couple of weeks ago Dodo and the Werewolves went to a foreign land to participate in a fair of sorts.  Along the way we stayed with Lolo.  Now let me just say the werewolves are more familiar with the foreign land and what occurs at the fairs than poor Dodo is.  She had no idea what was in store for her.

Dodo had not even gotten out of the car when she spotted a pirate!  And I mean a kilt wearing dreadlocks sporting honest to goodness fake pirate.  Now let me just let everyone know that the werewolves have discussed this and have decided that the pirate knows how to wear his kilt and wears it well!  Anyway Dodo could not believe that there was a pirate!

All during the course of the day the pirate kept coming around hocking his weres (concession items not wolves) using a very bad fake accent with a very funny presentation.  Dodo was greatly entertained as were the werewolves.  Dodo could not believe there was a pirate.  She expected werewolves, vampires and other assorted interesting creatures in this foreign land but not pirates!

Well Dodo was enjoying the pirate so much she was feeling a little naughty.  Over the hill was a vendor with some adult themed items.   Dodo says to the werewolf beside her if I give you money will you go get one for the other werewolf?  Well of course this werewolf said yes and happily skipped down the hill to procure the bounty for Dodo.

Once said bounty was procured Dodo decided she should use modern technology (which can usually outsmart her) to alert the werewolf to that fact that her gift had arrived.  Somewhere along the way it was decided that Lolo would like it!  So off to Lolo's house we go!

Dodo presents her bounty to Lolo.  I don't think I have seen 2 people laugh harder in my entire life.  Needless to say the werewolves again rolled there eyes.

Dodo has decided that hanging with the werewolves is fun.  We take her to exotic foreign lands, introduce her to strange creatures that may be on the endangered species list..I mean how many kilt wearing pirates have you ever met?  We also laugh a lot!

Dodo's theory is the werewolves tell her to fill the car with chocolate and drive and where ever we end up we end up.

~signed a werewolf~

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What a crazy life we lead!

Dodo and the Werewolves?  REALLY?  What a crazy name for a blog.  Just to set the record straight, it is a crazy life we lead.  Sometimes you look for adventure, sometimes you let the adventures find you.  This is going to be the continuing story of Dodo and the werewolves.  Let me tell you how all of this started.

It was a normal day like any other for Dodo.  That means, in a nut shell,  she was a little crazy.  She was hanging out with her friends.  One likes meat.. A LOT!  Dodo made the off handed comment "just give her a stick of butter and throw her some meat and she will be fine."  When her two friends looked at her strangely Dodo remarked "What isn't that what werewolves eat?"

So apparently Dodo seems to think one of her friends is a werewolf.

During the course of the night and next day her other friend became a werewolf in Dodo's eyes as well.  Can't  really remember how that one happened.

Dodo also seems to have a little issue telling the difference between werewolves and vampires.  Apparently werewolves have fangs and drink blood.

Dodo and the Werewolves tend to have adventures find them.  In the everyday places just leading our normal everyday lives.  Everything we tell you really and truly happened.  These are actual conversation held by 3 friends.  No actual werewolves were harmed during the creation of this blog.  Crazy I tell you.

For instance did you know that werewolves shrivel when they eat salt?  I sure didn't But apparently they do in life according to Dodo.Also werewolves like butter and bacon.  Dodo likes it creamy and sugary.  The scary part is none of us know what IT is!

So please join us for the continuing adventures of Dodo and the Werewolves.  Oh and for the record the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so innocent.  Dodo and both of the werewolves may be contributing the the writings on this bog.  I am a werewolf.  or at least I am in life according to Dodo!

~signed a werewolf~