Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Over the river and through the woods....or adventures in Dodoland

So Dodo had a bright idea one day.  She suggested that the werewolves go on a trip with her.  It seems that dodo's family has a little shack in the woods by the river...or lake as the case may be.  We just want to say  a big thank you to Dodo and her Sister-in-law for the hospitality.

So Dodo packed up her car, included butter and meat, some salt (just in case she needed to make a werewolf shrink)  and off we went for a long weekend.  We traveled to another land not so far away with a lake, a place to ski and a lot of little shops and things.  Well after checking the rules on Pets Dodo allowed the werewolves shopping time.  That was a huge mistake!  The werewolves can do some damage in the shopping department let me tell you! Well this werewolf behaved herself for the most part.  the other werewolf went on a shopping spree and wore poor Dodo out!!  I think she is still recovering!

Meals involved meat.........mmmmm bacon........................and much fun was had.  Lots of laughing.  maybe a bit of dancing..............and some all around good old fashioned fun.

On the way to the not so far away land Dodo tried to kill the werewolves.  More information on this will be revealed in a future post titled how to kill a werewolf.  Dodo says the werewolves should have known better but....well we will not get into that just yet.

Anyway back to the adventures so this werewolf likes to bake a little bit.  So on our last day I found fabulous sounding cookies.  I bought a pack of each to check them out.  Now I just need to figure out how to make almond joy and mounds cookies!!! So if anyone has a recipe please share!  If not I guess i will be experimenting.

Did I mention the other werewolf may be coming down with something she picked up on the trip and I have a scratchy throat.  The horrible part of a trip.

In the next few weeks I am going to try to get some time to post more and give the place a make over so stayed tuned!

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